Life with Epilepsy - Our New Normal

Did you know that 65 million people around the world have epilepsy?

Did you know that 1 in 26 people in the United States will develop epilepsy at some point in their lifetime?

Did you know that for 6 out of 10 people with epilepsy, the cause is unknown?

If you had asked me a year ago, I certainly wouldn’t have known. I wouldn’t have given much thought to this disorder. I wouldn’t have noticed that there seem to be bright flashing lights everywhere we go. I wouldn’t have thought twice about letting my child swim in the water, while I watched from the sidelines. And I wouldn’t have known how to help someone having a seizure.

But that all changed for us in 2021.

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Roman Xavi - 4 Years Old

I have written a lot of birthday posts over the past two months (fun fact, 5 out of our 6 kids’ due dates were within a month span! ). And today is our son Roman’s 4th heavenly birthday. Sometimes it feels extra tough to have his birthday fall right in the middle of the holidays and the majority of our family’s birthdays. It’s such a season of celebration in our house, and yet, we have the most profound grief right at the forefront of our minds.

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Anders Martí- Birth Story

For each child we’ve brought home, I have written a weekly blog post for their first year of life. So of course I intend to do the same for Anders…even if I am already late on his first post!
For this first blog post, I’ll share Anders’ birth story! My pregnancy with Anders was completely smooth and uneventful for the majority of the time. Then as I started hitting the 30’s weeks of this pregnancy my blood pressure slowly started creeping up.

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Luca Quinn- One Year Old

Our Little Luca is one year old today! We welcomed Luca to our family in the peak of the pandemic in the epicenter of it all, New York. I still have vivid memories of walking past pop-up morgues on my way to my doctor appointments; t felt so scary and uncertain to be bringing him into this crazy world.

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Traveling with Little Ones

A couple of years ago, I wrote this blog post, sharing some tips and tricks for traveling with little ones. Pandemic aside, we travel a lot. In the last 7 years, we’ve traveled to 20 states, and 5 countries with our four children (and a couple international trips without kids!). Ron & I both loved to travel before ever meeting each other, and we didn’t want to stop once we had children. Of course travel looks very different now than it did 10 years ago. I’ll be honest, it’s a lot of work, it’s stressful at times, and not always restful. (Am I selling you on traveling with kids yet?) But at the end of the day, it’s so worth it. The memories we’ve shared with our children, the cultures they’ve experienced, the sheer beauty of this world, are all indescribably worth it.

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