Anders Martí - 3 Months Old

It’s been really tough for me to keep up with my blogging these days, but Anders is 3 months old today! On one hand I can’t believe he’s already 3 months old, but on the other, it’s hard to remember life before him in our lives! We are so grateful his sweet little self!

Anders is doing really well overall. He’s probably our most naturally best sleeper at this age. He wakes up once around 3 or 4 to eat and then goes back to sleep. Occasionally he will wake up a little early in the morning just wanting to be held and immediately following back asleep! During the day, we finally started putting him in his own space for naps. The funny thing is, we had his crib in the middle of our loud chaotic living room for 2.5 months just so that we wouldn’t have to walk far to check on him haha. Somehow he managed to just adapt and sleep through screaming toddlers and the mayhem that often fills our house. In efforts to keep the noise level constant in the living room, we played the Hamilton soundtrack nonstop for weeks on end. So one day when Anders wonders why he has such an affinity for Hamilton, this is probably why.

Anders is breastfeeding like a champ. He still nurses about every 3-3.5 hours during the day. He also takes bottles at night no problem. He really is such a flexible and easy baby!

Just last week Anders smiled for the very first time! It is the most precious, sweet smile. And he now coos along with it. We all love fawning over him and eliciting those sweet sounds and smiles!

Anders is tolerating small amounts of tummy time, but quickly either rolls out of it or face plants and cries until we rescue him haha.

Without fail, Anders’ fussiest part of the day is right when it’s time to make and eat dinner. He often sits in his bouncer in the kitchen with me or in Papi’s arms.

Finally, our little 4 pound preemie is now 10.5 pounds! He’s grown so much! He’s now wearing 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. I can’t believe I have already boxed up two different sizes of clothing!

Overall, we are just so smitten with this little guy! I am desperately trying to soak up these days and months with him, but they just go by too fast.