Anders Martí - 5 Months Old

Anders is 5 months old today! I can’t believe how quickly time is passing with him. It seems like yesterday, we were visiting him in the NICU, and now look at him!

Over the past month or so, Anders started losing more and more hair. So we decided to shave it all and even it out, just as we did with Jackson & Luca. I was holding Anders, and Papi took one swipe across his head, when I said, “wait!! You don’t have the guard on it!” Whoops! There was no going back after that first swipe. So we have one super bald baby! It’s already starting to grow back though, and he has a nice, even peach-fuzzy hair.

Anders loves to laugh and giggle. He is incredibly ticklish (like his big brother Fynn!). He laughs whenever I change him or swaddle him. Anders also thinks its hysterical when Ron takes his arms and lifts them above his head.

Last month we went to Hawaii, and that was Anders’ first flight. He did great, and just went with the flow the whole trip!

Just this week, Anders has started reaching for the toys that hang on his play mat. He is quite content to play there, as long as he’s on his back. He still doesn’t love tummy time, and will usually only do it if someone is laying down with him! Anders doesn’t leave the house a ton, usually just for church and to watch Fynn’s baseball games!

Last week, Anders dropped his early morning feeding, so now he sleeps 7:30-7:30 with a dreamfeed at 10! I would love to be a little more celebratory with this; however, we have actually only had one full night of sleep since this started because there are 4 others to wake me up with nightmares, accidents, and colds!

During the day, Anders nurses about every 4 hours and takes 2 long naps and sometimes a quick evening cat nap.

Anders weighs 13 pounds, and he is still in 0-3 month clothes, but just barely! I think this is pretty great, considering his adjusted age is 3 months!

All around, he’s such a chill, easy-going baby. We all adore Anders so much!