Anders Martí - 3 Weeks Old
3 weeks old
Anders is now 3 weeks old (as of yesterday, I’m getting closer to being on track with these posts haha). He has been home now for a week as well! Mostly, it feels like he’s been a part of our home and family much longer! He has quite seamlessly transitioned into our family, and we are so grateful for him!
When we brought Anders home, the kids were beyond excited to meet their newest brother. Aly & Fynn both love to hold Anders and each need long stretches every day to hold him. It is nice to have some extra hands to hold him if he’s fussy and I am taking care of other things! They are definitely expert big siblings, and I’m grateful for them. Jackson holds Anders multiple times a day for about 15 seconds before declaring he’s done. He loves to help feed Anders his bottles and always helps throw away his diapers and put away his bottles. He loves being a helper too. Luca will alert us any time Anders cries or makes noises, “baby!”. Any time one of us picks up Anders, Luca opens his arms and says “hug! hug!” And of course Ron and I get our fair share of snuggles in too. Anders is certainly loved!
Anders had a first doctor visit last week. He was gaining weight well, a whole 5 pounds now!
He eats really well from his bottles. We never have any feeding issues there. I am still working diligently to transition to breasfeeding eventually, but it’s tough work and slow-going. We practice 4 times a day right now. I think we’re up to about a half-feeding from nursing, and then he finishes with a bottle of fortified breastmilk.
Anders sleeps most of the time. I remember with Jackson, we called that first month of life “bonus month,” as normally they would be asleep in the womb all the time and are even sleepier than typical newborns. I love it, and I am soaking up all the snuggles, and I love the freedom to pick him up and put him down 50 times a day without disturbing him in the slightest.
During the night, while Anders is still sleepy, he is a lot fussier. He often gets the hiccups (for an hour at a time) and fusses and grunts until he has the pacifier. This happens over and over again through most of the night. The last two nights were glorious, as he slept all night, only getting up every 3 hours when I woke him to feed. I hope that sticks haha.
Anders is doing well regulating his body temperature. We have to keep our apartment considerably warmer than we normally would, and we keep him in a fleece preemie swaddle most of the time, but it’s doing the trick and keeping him warm!
Overall, Anders is doing so well! Time is already flying by, and it’s hard to believe he’ll be a month old next week!!