Jackson Graham- 3 Years Old

We are kicking off Arevalo Birthday Season with a big happy third birthday to Jackson! It is so hard to believe that he is already 3. So much has happened in the past year, and Jackson has grown leaps and bounds!

Last week Jackson finished up his final Early Intervention therapies. After two years of hours upon hours of hard work, we can certainly see the fruits of his labor! A year ago Jackson was just learning his first words, and now he speaking full sentences! Jackson can now run and climb and even use scissors. He’s learned how to pretend play and explore new toys. Jackson has worked tremendously hard to get to where he is today, and we are so proud of him!

As Jackson transitioned out of Early Intervention, he will now move into Preschool Services, which means that Jack gets to start preschool! Today is his very first day, and he is certainly excited! It’s for a couple hours each morning, but we are excited for him to have this experience and continue to grow and catch up.

Jackson loves to sing songs, and we love hearing his sweet little voice! His current favorite song to sing is “My Girl,” but he changes it to ‘My Jack’ since that’s how I sing it to him. He is also quite opinionated on what we listen to in the car. He loves to listen to Hamilton (channeling his inner Broadway star), Beatles, and Frozen II.

Jackson is obsessed with garbage trucks. He has quite the ear for them, and the second he hears one, he runs to our back balcony to watch them.

He loves to read books. He could sit for hours and read if Luca would allow for that haha. His current favorite books are From Head to Toe, Caps for Sale, and Princess in Black. He has even started to memorize and retell some books!

Jackson has continued swim lessons all year. While he is not yet swimming, he is very comfortable in the water (way more than his siblings at this age!)

Jack Jack loves to play at the beach, usually preferring to play in the sand. Though one time recently he did boogie board!

One of my favorite things about Jackson right now is seeing his love and empathy for others grow. For example, the other day Jackson got a haircut and made sure to pick out candy for Aly & Fynn too. Then, after school, he was so excited to share it with them! I thought he might have a hard time since he had already eaten his, but he was truly just so excited to share with them and be the one to bring them joy.

Jackson has been potty trained for about 6 months now. He still doesn’t have naps and nights down yet, but we’ll get there eventually!

This summer, Jackson really started getting interested in his balance bike. He does really well with both it and his scooter.

Jackson is still a tiny little guy, wearing 18-24 month clothes. Luca is working to catch up to him quickly, and we often get asked if they are twins!

So much has happened in the past year, I wish I had written more down! But Jackson is such a joy to be around, and. we are grateful to celebrate another year of life with him!

Sweet Jack Jack,

I can’t beleive you are three today, buddy! You have been excitedly talking about and anticipating your birthday for awhile now. Yesterday we went to SeaWorld as a family to celebrate, and you loved it! This past year has been so fun with you, and I think we’re just getting started! I often think back to your birth, and while. wewere so relieved to have you here safely, it was really tough with you being premature. I remember those sleepless nights of trying to syringe feed you for an hour at a time. You were such a little peanut, and you’ve worked hard even from Day 1 And now lok at you! You are an incredible little boy, Jackson. We are so grateful to have you in our family. You bring such light and joy to all those around you. You are kind, sweet, and sensitive. I love you with all my. heart, Jack. Three is one of my favorite ages, and I can’t wait to see what this year holds for you!
