September/October 2018 Update

I am a bit in late in getting this up, but September and October have been quite busy! September we welcomed our youngest son, Jackson into our family. That story has its own post, and you can read about it here! Since then, we have been settling into our new family dynamic and rhythms.

Alynne Tiffany

Aly started Kindergarten! She was counting down the days all summer, so she was beyond excited when the day finally came. She loves school so much and constantly says she wishes she could go on the weekends too, ha!

Aly also started dance lessons back up, which she loves! I’ve never really pushed her, but she’s started asking to practice and stretch at home, so we’re having fun with that!

Aly has come a long ways with swim lessons and is able to swim underwater now, and overall, she is just much more confident in the water! I’m excited for our vacations with this new skill :)

She is currently obsessed with drawing, coloring, and writing stories. She does these activities on the daily!

Alynne has loved having Baby Jackson home. She is such a sweet, caring, helpful big sister!

Fynnlan Seeley

Fynn started a couple of new things this Fall—soccer class and a Montessori co-op once a week! He is loving both, and he is learning and growing so much at Co-op!

Fynn is also taking swim lessons and is progressing well. He absolutely hates being put on his back though!

Fynn was such a trooper through all of my bed rest and hospital stays, as it affected him the most. And now, he is overjoyed that his little brother is here. He is such an incredible big brother, and he actually surprised us with how much he loves Jackson and constantly wants to hold him and be with him! Jackson is definitely Fynn’s baby ;)

Fynnlan turned 3 at the end of October! It’s crazy how big he is getting! We are so proud of the little boy that he is! He is so sweet, cuddly, silly, and has the biggest imagination.

Jackson Graham

Jackson currently has his own blog updates that you can read here, here, here, and here.

A Dungle Bucker Bus
Tot School--beginning sounds
Prepping for Hawaii
Family game night
Story book writing
"If you want to be in a parade, you gotta stomp your feet."
Bible Verse!
Silly Fynn!