Luca Quinn- Week 21
21 weeks old
Luca Quinn is 21 weeks old today! I always say this, but is flying by with this little guy! This age is truly one of my favorite ages, and we are all just having so much fun with Luca these days. Luca is particularly attached to Fynn right now, always laughing at him and so content with him.
Naps have been rough for Luca lately. He sucks his index and middle finger to soothe himself, but a couple of weeks ago he sucked them so much and so hard that they became blistered and bleeding!! So we had to put a sock on his hand to stop him from sucking on them until they could heal. During these two weeks, we tried so hard to offer him the pacifier or even his other hand, but nope! He just missed those right fingers! Naps were so so hard for about a week and a half. He still slept fine at night thankfully, but I imagine that was because he was just too exhausted to care about his fingers! Now he is back to sucking his fingers, but still isn’t really back to napping well.
But I shouldn’t complain about the naps because Luca is sleeping through the night now!! I dreamfeed him around 11 when I go to bed, but otherwise he sleeps 7:45-7:45, woohoo!
Luca is such a sweet, happy little guy! He loves to sit outside either at the beach or on our balcony. His smiles are so joy-filled, taking up his entire face. We are so enamored by him!