Luca Quinn- Week 23
23 weeks old
Luca Quinn is 23 weeks old today! He is now sleeping through the night consistently, and just in time! Ron and I both head back to work tomorrow, as our maternity/paternity leave comes to a close. We have cherished these past 3 months off with him and the rest of the kiddos. Time to adjust to the new normal!
Luca is starting to be interested in toys now. Occasionally, he will reach for a rattle or teether. He is still working out all the mechanics of opening his hands to hold the toy and getting said toy to his mouth! Phew, being a baby is tough work! ;)
Luca loves to be held and is snuggled constantly between Ron, Aly, Fynn, and I.
He still doesn’t love naps, but I think it is starting to get a little better. He is always guaranteed a good nap if we’re at the beach or in the car!
I can’t believe how fast time is going. Every night when I get Luca up to dreamfeed, I just hold and snuggle him for a long time. I love this quiet moment of the night where no one else is vying for my attention, and Luca just nuzzles into my neck, happily snoozing. I pray over him. I tell him my hopes and dreams for him. And I beg him to let me snuggle him every night for a long long time (even though I feel fleeting these infant days are).
I don’t think I’ve actually every mentioned it in any of my other kids’ blogs, but with each child, I have made them their own little nursery song. It’s just a short and simple song, but it’s theirs. Here’s Luca’s:
(To the tune of Row Your Boat)
Lu, Lu, Luca Quinn—forever my baby. Mama loves you so much, you’re so special to me.