Jackson Graham- 2 Years Old

Jackson is 2 years old today! So I’ll give a little update on all the birthday boy has been up to!

I know every parent celebrates each and every milestone their kid reaches, but we constantly reflect and marvel on just how far he has come.

Jackson started receiving therapy a year ago, and when I see videos pop up on my Timehop, I’m always shocked. At age 1, Jackson could not roll over, sit up, babble, or even play with toys. We had no idea what his future held. Today, as I watch him run down the hallway screaming, “Happy Burdee” I am overwhelmed with joy and thanks.

Jackson works so hard every week. He’s been doing 6-8 sessions of therapy every week for the past year, and he always has a great attitude about it (unless it’s PT haha). Things in life have not come easy for Jackson, but one thing we know to be true for him is that he is eager to learn, always tries, and never gives up. I think those are some really great qualities to possess, and wow are we proud of him!

In the past month, Jackson has really started to say more than just “uhh.” He’s starting to repeat sooo much of what we say. He says “uh huh” in response to most things. He has learned his own name, as well as everyone in the family. Most recently he has even learned most of the colors! His favorite thing to do right now is read books. We read dozens and dozens of books to him each day. Jackson is learning how to run and climb stairs, and since we’ve moved to California, he’s growing to love the beach. Some days, he is even interested in playing with Aly and Fynn, and those are some of my favorite moments watching the three of them play together.

Jackson is not an affectionate child at all. He rarely doles out hugs or kisses (unless for Luca), and we are still awaiting the day that we will hear Jackson say, “I love you.” But one thing Jackson does to tell us he loves us is he blinks both eyes and also does this little underbite thing. It is so silly, but he seriously does this when he wants to tell us he loves us.

I love seeing Jackson’s personality develop more and more. He’s starting to become an opinionated little toddler, telling us “no” and “top” (stop) frequently. He protests nap time and bedtime vehemently, but always settles down quickly. He cares for his baby doll with such gentleness. He loves to make us all laugh. He loves to get “ickles” from Papi, and loves to say “Mama” incessantly.

Jackson is still a little peanut, wearing 9-12 month clothes. But he is doing some big boy things. He moved out of his crib, into a big boy bed last month, ditched his pacis, and he has started feeding himself with a spoon!

Jackson has visited 16 states and 1 other country in his two years. Most of this was done in his first year, because Covid has really put a damper on family’s travel plans haha. We also moved cross-country this year. NYC was his first home (and first job!!), and it will always hold such a special place in his heart, I’m sure. I wish he would be able to remember his time there, and all of the people who loved on him, but we will be back to visit. Jackson is adjusting to Cali life, and is working hard to learn how to swim.

Here are some of Jackson’s favorite things:

Book: “Day Do” (What Should Danny Do?)

Song: “Upabupa” (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)

Food: “Fies” (french fries)

Toy: Dama & Moo Moo (Llama and Moose)

Saying: “Ba Ba Beeee Hmm hmm hmmmm” We have no idea what it means, but he says this constantly!!

My Dearest Jack Jack,

Wow, time sure flies by. It seems like yesterday, we were in the hospital counting down the hours until a room opened up, so we could welcome you into this world and into our family. I remember listening to your heartbeat on the monitors, praying and waiting for the moment I could hold you in my arms and hear your cries. To say you bring joy to our family would be such an understatement. You came into our lives at our darkest time. You were a ray of sunshine that helped mend and heal our broken hearts. While you will never, ever replace your brother Roman, we can’t help but be extra grateful for your life. We cherish each and every moment with you, knowing just how fortunate we are. I hope you always know how special you are, and not just because you were born after Roman. You are special because you are a sweet, kind, joyful little boy made in the image of God. We all love you so so much, and I love watching you grow. Here’s to a wonderful year as a two year old!


The first of many, many trips to play at the Pier during covid.
Figuring out how to pretend play!
Animal sounds!
Just a bit of nonsense
Snack time!
Officially a big brother!
Cheering on the medical workers every night at 7.
The start of "uh huh"
How Jackson says, "shhh"
The start of "Ba ba beeee"
A sweet moment with Mama
Making everyone laugh with his pacis
Brothers are the best.
Coloring at the Pier!
Reading Are You a Cow with Aly
Jackson loves to imitate firetrucks!
Figuring out how to entertain him while kids are home doing virtual school.
Hey Google!
Getting some scooter practice in
Chatting with baby Luca
Are you done with that corn? (Perhaps my favorite video of him)
Always waking up Papi
Balloons are so fun!
Playing in the pool at Gigi and Bops!
Friday Movie Night!
So excited to see cars!
Ba ba beeee
Jack Jack learned his name!
"I don't know!"
First time pretending to be something!
Looking for coconuts with Aly
Jackson has learned all of our names! (Including Roman and Luca)
Working on colors and fine motor skills!
Practicing coloring