Fynnlan Seeley- 5 Years Old

Fynnlan is 5 years old today! This birthday has me feeling all the feels today. How is he FIVE?! A whole hand? A high-five? While he’s grown a lot and so much has changed with him, some things are still the same. He is still “the funniest in our family,” making us laugh constantly with his shenanigans. He has always been the most snuggly, sweet, and affectionate little boy, and he still does curl up in my lap and ask me to hold him often. He still gives us mini heart attacks with all of his dare-devil stunts. He still falls asleep if we’re in a moving vehicle for more than 5 minutes. He’s just as ticklish as ever. And he still has the most infectious little laugh. Fynnlan is truly such an awesome kid, and I am so blessed to be his mommy.

Looking back through the past year’s photos has been so nostalgic for me. for 2/3 of his 4th year, we have spent quarantined. Sometimes it’s easy to get bogged down in the hard parts of this pandemic, but then I see it through a child’s eyes. And man, it’s been a good year after all.

Fynnlan finished up his first year of school in NYC, proving to be ever resilient when moving remote. He started reading and getting really into math. His favorite subject is dinosaurs. He is quite the expert and can probably tell you some interesting facts that you didn’t know. This summer, he even told one of his therapists his name was Fynnasaurus Rex with the straightest of faces.
Then this Fall, Fynnlan started at a brand new school in California and is doing so well! He is most excited that there is no more rest time ;)

Over the past year, Fynnlan went from clawing and climbing up my body, refusing to get in a swim pool (As people stared on, and I plastered on my ‘It’s fine, everything’s fine, I’m fine!’ face even though I was crying on the inside), to tolerating the pool, to just in the last month loving swimming. In the past month alone, he has learned to put his head under water, dive to the bottom, and even some strokes. It’s amazing what ice cream bribery will accomplish, I highly recommend it.

This summer we made a family goal for the Big Kids to learn how to bike while we stayed in Oklahoma for the summer. We weren’t entirely sure if Fynnlan would actually learn, as he had never even been on a bike before. But sure enough, he picked it up and now he out-bikes his sister!

And just a couple of weeks ago, Fynn decided to squeeze in one more big accomplishment before turning 5—he learned how to surf! What a pro.

Fynnlan is obsessed with legos these days, wanting to build and create nonstop. His creativity often astounds me! He loves to build legos with Papi and of course, wrestle. He loves to read books with me, snuggled up against my side. His favorite book right now is The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors.
He and Aly have cemented their friendship with the Coronavirus hitting and isolating us from the world and then moving. They live in their pretend world with Ellie and Dino 75% of the time.
Fynn and Jackson are learning how to be kind to each other, but when they are getting along, they love to play hide-and-seek together!
And then Fynnlan also became a big brother for the third time this year, and boy he sure does love Luca, or Lukey as Fynn calls him. Fynn constantly whispers to him that he is his favorite haha. They are quite the pair!

My Dearest Fynnasaurus Rex,

I love you so much. I say it nearly every birthday, but it’s so true—you taught me how to love little boys. You showed me what a joy it is (and thank goodness too because you have 3 little brothers for me to love too!). God was so wise and loving to give you to us, our first son. We love you immensely. You have endless energy and sometimes leave us worn out, but man, oh man, are you worth it, Fynn. You are so kind, loving, and just plain silly, and I love it! I hope you still want to curl up in my lap for many many more years to come. You are a true treasure in this family. Happy Birthday, Fynnlan. High 5, little man!


Soccer practice with Fynn!
Big brother duties at the playground!
Gobble gobble, wobble wobble
Swim class has always been a struggle with Fynn, but this class was a huge turning point for him! First time having a smile on his face while swimming!
Wintery playground trips on the UES
Ice skating at Bryant Park!
Adjusting to our new normal--only playing at the pier
Cartwheels with Bop
Very first time riding without training wheels!
Which turned into him riding by himself very quickly!
Playing at the dunes after our nightly bike ride!
The first one to make Luca laugh!
Nothing can slow him down now!!
Learning to surf at age 4!