Fynnlan Seeley- 32 Weeks

Fynnlan is 32 weeks old today! This week, I spent part of it recovering with Aly from our stomach bug, so Fynn got to spend lots of time with Papi =] By the weekend though, we were all doing much better and made it out to our favorite splash pad in Tribeca.  Fynn is quite indifferent to the water haha! We also made some strides with the swings this week at the playground!  He seemed to love them this time and was content to swing for awhile.  

When we're at home, all Fynn does is climb all over everything.  He is quickly figuring out how to pull up on just about everything in our apartment, and with that have come lots of bumps and bruises (such a boy haha!). He has started to cruise along furniture just a little bit, but is still pretty wobbly.  He can crawl up on his knees well now.  Basically, anything to do with mobility, he is all about haha. He still is not a talker. He doesn't really make any consonant sounds or anything, (though he thinks it's hysterical when I do!).  I know it will come in his own time! Oh but he really loves to scream now haha.  He has quickly incorporated that into his cries, which is not so pleasant haha.

He is doing well eating, I'm trying to be better about the amount of times he eats now.  I'm aiming for twice a day, in hopes to at least eat once a day consistently.  He also tried fruit for the first time this week, he had a strawberry!  He liked it after giving several adorable little shudders!! 

The kids are back to sleeping in the same room and doing pretty well. Fynn still wakes up early occasionally, so hoping that gets better soon, especially for Aly's sake haha.  Though we did enjoy lots of bedtime snuggles this weekend when he woke up 2 hours early!

Fynn is a biter. Holy cow.  I have one little tooth marks all over my shoulders and arms these days.  What on earth can you do to stop a 7 month old from biting?! Seriously, taking suggestions...