Fynnlan Seeley- 17 Weeks
17 weeks old
Today Fynnlan is 17 weeks old! We took a trip to Long Island this weekend to visit Lito and Lita before they move. It was great for the kids to get to play in the house that Ron grew up in one last time! Fynn loves his grandparents!
We also had his 4 month check up on Monday! Fynn is one healthy and growing boy! He was his super smiley self, and barely cried when he got his shots!
Fynn still eats once in the middle of the night. When I talked to the pediatrician, she said he was definitely capable of dropping that feeding. So we figured we'd try to push him towards that after family is gone this weekend. Well that night, Fynn woke around 2am and couldn't settle back down (I usually feed him around 3:30am), so I gave him the paci. Next thing I know, Ron's alarm was going off at 7:30am!! I couldn't believe it. So we tried the same thing again last night, I gave him the paci twice during the night, but he never ate after his dreamfeed until 8:15am!! Woohoo!!
So with that being said, it looks like we are getting reallllllly close to him sleeping 8pm-8am! Cue happy dance!
Fynn has been waking up in the middle of his naps again, but I think it's because we are still transitioning out of the swaddle. He sleeps fine with both arms out, but I've found that if he gets woken up and worked up, and I try to give him the paci, he just pulls it out of his mouth. So I have to wrap an arm back up to be able to give him his paci. So I think we want to get him sleeping through the night first before we take away the swaddle completely.
And today Fynn actually napped extremely well, 1.5-1.75 hour naps!!
So much transitioning haha. I'm just hopeful that by 5 months he is out of the swaddle and sleeping through the night and napping well! Lol.
Fynn stays awake for about 1.5 hours now. He is starting to play with toys more. I still can't get over how ticklish he is. Whenever we change his diaper, change his clothes, bathe him, anything he giggles haha. I love it.
14 lbs 10 oz (50 percentile)
25.25 in (70 percentile)
I can't believe how big he is! Love our little chunky monkey.