Luca Quinn- Week 48

Luca is 48 weeks old, and wow has it been a long time since I have written a blog post for him! I swore I’d stick to my weekly posts for him, just like I did his siblings, but then again, I was never in the middle of a pandemic with the others! Life has been busy as usual, and we’ve added some new things to our plate too.

Life has mostly been the same since I last wrote. About the only new thing is that we went to Hawaii last week with our good friends, the Schmidts! This was Luca’s first time there. Given the pandemic, he has actually flown a fair amount of times, so this wasn’t his first flight. He’s still so little, so he was super easy on the flights. He took his morning nap on the beach every day that we were in Maui, and enjoyed having new (to him) friends to play with!

Luca is still going strong with therapy. He has PT, OT, and Infant Education. Once he turns one, we will be adding speech as well. Luca works hard and we’ve seen some great improvements with him!
Luca learned to roll from back to tummy last month. He still hasn’t figured out how to roll from tummy to back yet, but we’re working on it!

Luca is such a happy baby, constantly smiling and laughing at whoever is playing with him. He has taken a recent interest in Jackson, and loves to giggle at him.

Luca is a champion eater. He may be quite small on the charts, but boy this kid can eat. He eats just as much as his siblings, gumming down full sandwiches and hamburgers. He has not met a single food he does not love! What a blessing!!

Luca’s first tooth is just starting to poke through this week!

Luca started riding around town in the bike trailer. He is very skeptical of it still and dislikes wearing a helmet.

He takes two naps a day, still loves to sleep on his back or side. The night we came back from Hawaii, he rolled to his tummy and then got stuck there and fell asleep on his tummy for the first time ever.

He opens his left hand more now, and doesn’t keep it fisted as much.

I put away our babiest toys this week. It’s hard to believe that my baby is growing up already!

Before we know it, he’ll be one!