Luca Quinn- Week 3

Luca is 3 weeks old, and today was also his due date! I am so grateful we made it to 37 weeks, and that Luca has been thriving so well! These past three weeks have absolutely flown by.

Being in quarantine has made for some very strange newborn days. Today we took Luca outside for the first time in his life, which seems so strange. And even at that, we kept him covered up in his car seat. There has been a lot of things that have been hard/I have been sad about with having a baby during a pandemic. Most recently, it’s that no one has been able to meet Luca. And it will be a long time before anyone even does. He is such a sweet little baby, and I just wish that we could share him with others!

This week, while I was feeling a bit sad, I made a list of some of the positive things that have come about because of all of this! It’s been a good reminder for me to focus on the good things, when it’s easy to default to the negative. So, I’ll share some of my thoughts:

-My favorite one: We don’t have to wake up early. After the sleepless nights, I don’t have to wake up early to get Luca fed and the kids all ready and out the door for school! Instead, we all sleep in and I can slowly make my way out of bed each morning :)

-Jackson has adjusted incredibly well to Luca being here. I think it was actually a bigger adjustment when Aly and Fynn started being home all day everyday. He very suddenly did not have all of my attention anymore, so by the time Luca arrived, he was used to my divided attention and adjusted quite easily.

-We’ve gotten to have so much awesome family time during all of this! I try to remember that we will probably never have all of this time all together again, and I try to cherish it.

-We don’t have to have a set schedule with Luca. While I do thrive off of schedules (and so do children!), I have loved the freedom in not needing to be so strict with Luca’s feeding schedule. I don’t have to push feedings around school pick ups and activities.

-Ron went back to work this week, but because of Covid, he is still at home every day with us! This has been a huge help, and made that transition far easier.

So yeah. having a baby during a Pandemic isn’t all bad ;)

And now for all my Luca photos of the week!

Sweet little snores!