Baby Arevalo #5

I realized the other day that in this busy season of life, I hadn’t written a blog post about our newest little Arevalo nugget! So here’s a quick little update:

I am currently 19.5 weeks pregnant.

I am due May 2nd, but we will aim to induce April 15th.

A couple of weeks ago we found out we’re having a boy!

So far, everything has been going smoothly.

But let’s back up a little bit…

We found out we were pregnant the day we came home from San Diego on September 2nd. We were surprised and so thrilled! This pregnancy has been one of the toughest pregnancies I’ve had in regards to morning sickness. I was vomiting and nauseous at all hours of the day up until about a week ago. It’s definitely just been survival mode around here!

At my “12 week” ultrasound we discovered that I was actually 14 weeks, so that was a nice little surprise!

Being pregnant after a loss is tough. Being pregnant after a loss and a rocky-ending pregnancy is really tough. I’ve said a lot this pregnancy that I feel like a walking time bomb. It feels like it’s not a matter of if things will get crazy, but just a matter of when it will. It feels inevitable. And so I slowly count off the weeks, knowing that this is the part of the pregnancy my body is good at. And waiting for those 30-something weeks to hit. My anxiety is already high, and I try not to think about what it will be like in 10-12 weeks time.

We are really praying that we can make it to our induction date this time. And praying that it would be smooth and uneventful getting there. We are also praying for the Lord to give us peace as we await the birth of our 4th son. Before every appointment, I get incredibly stressed and anxious, wondering if this will be the appointment I hear bad news, in whatever facet that may come. So I would love if you all would join us in prayer for these things. I am forever grateful for everyone who carried us in their prayers through losing Roman and through Jackson’s pregnancy!

And finally…here is a picture from today’s appointment, our handsome little boy—