Fynnlan Seeley- 41 Weeks
41 weeks old
Fynnlan is 41 weeks old today! We're starting to get entirely too close to the one year mark! I can't believe it.
We haven't really done much this week, trying to rest when we can since I've been working around the clock lately.
We've taken several trips to the playground lately. It's been getting a little tricky since Fynn gets pretty restless in my arms or the stroller, but he isn't walking yet. So we usually spend a lot of time on the swings while Aly plays!
We've been a lot better with Fynn's eating lately, trying to get some weight on this boy haha. Fortunately Fynn loves food, he eats a lot and seems to generally like everything we give him.
Fynn has definitely made a turn for the better with his sleep! He is sleeping until at least 8 every day now! Woohoo!! (Hopefully I'll be able to enjoy that soon haha).
Fynn fluctuates between 2 and 3 naps. He's already pretty prone to be cranky in the evenings, so I tend to prefer to just put him down for a 3rd little catnap, and he stays awake a bit longer in his crib when we put him down, but he is at least happy!
Fynn is babbling a lot these days. He loves to jibber jabber all the time!
Lastly, he is such a snuggly boy. It's one of my favorite things, especially since Aly was never cuddly haha. Every day Fynn crawls into my lap for snuggles if he's tired, upset, or even just for a quick cuddle before crawling off to play more. I love it. Also, if I am doing something with Aly, like reading her a book or brushing her hair, he will crawl right on top of my lap and sprawl out on top of me, laying there grinning at me, like 'hey, don't forget about me!' Never, sweet boy.