Fynnlan Seeley- 28 Weeks
28 weeks old
Fynnlan is 28 weeks old today. We travelled to Oklahoma this week. It was Fynn's first flight, and he did so great! He rolled with the craziness of getting to the airport, and he slept about an hour on the plane. He has had a bit of a hard time since we've been here. He has had a hard time adjusting to the time change. He's been waking up a lot at night and having a really hard time going down. So sleep has been a bit crazy this week, thank goodness we've had plenty of nap times!
Fynn has enjoyed playing in Gigi and Bop's ball pit and exploring Grandpa's farm.
He also got a second haircut. He cried through most of it haha, but he sure does look handsome!
Also, Fynn has started standing on his own. He doesn't pull up yet, but loves to stand and can hold himself up just fine.
Short post this week--we're enjoying a very relaxing week with friends and family!