Fynnlan Seeley- 22 Weeks
22 weeks old
Fynnlan is 22 weeks old today, and officially 5 months old! Wow, time sure is flying! This weekend was Fynn's first Easter! We enjoyed our time at church and watching Aly hunt for eggs ;) On Monday, Fynn broke out in hives, poor guy!! They came on so suddenly. We went to the doctor yesterday, and he's fine other than the hives and a fever so it looks like it's just his body trying to fight off a virus. Hopefully they go away soon!
Also, Fynn got to meet Grandpa for the first time! Grandpa has come to visit this week, and has been making Fynn (and Aly) giggle nonstop!
Fynn usually stretches the morning feedings out more now. That's about all that's new there! Still just breast milk =]
Last week we had a few rough nights in a row, where Fynn was waking in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep. I think he was just getting worked up from practicing rolling haha! Now he has just decided to start sleeping on his stomach if he ends up rolling, so he's back to sleeping good!
Fynn is so active these days! You never know where he's going to roll! After our 5 month photo shoot, I stepped away for a few seconds, and when I came back, Fynn had managed to roll himself under the rocking horse, somehow not hit his head, and even struck a pose haha! He is also playing with toys more. He's starting to need to be entertained more =]
Also, he usually rolls to his stomach to play now. Though he often gets tired of being on his stomach and forgets how to roll back and gets upset haha!
-First picnic for Uncle Levi's birthday! It was chilly, but so fun!
-First Easter
-First time meeting Grandpa!