Alynne Tiffany- 20 Months

Alynne is 20 months old today! I can't believe that we are getting closer and closer to having a two year old! Time is flying by!  Here's some things that happened this month:

This month Aly turned into a little parrot.  I quickly stopped keeping track of all the new words she learned because she literally learned several a day! It is so fun hearing her little voice in action.  One of my favorite things right now is how she replaces the 't' at the end of words with a 'p'.  She says "hop" for hot (she even uses the back of her hand to test all food now, declaring all things hot), "hap" for hat, and "shop" for shot.  It's so cute.  I also love when she says "here you go!" Also, I would have to say her favorite word this month is definitely "Shannon."  She asks for her all day every day!  

Earlier this month we were at the bookstore and she started saying "tigey" very excitedly.  I realized that she saw a Daniel Tiger book.  This was the first time she has really had an interest in a character or anything!  So of course we had to get the book ;)

One day Alynne found an old blow up alligator toy from her birthday party and asked me to blow it up.  However, once I did, she was completely terrified of it.  She would not go near the thing all week.  If her ball rolled next to it, she would ask me to get it for her!  It's probably the first time I've really seen her be scared of something!

She knows all about her baby brother Fynn.  She knows he's in my stomach and tries to give him water and kisses often.  I even have a bag of Fynn's stuff sitting in one of the rooms that she will tell me belongs to "Fynn."  Oh and at the beginning of this month when we were trying to teach her to say Fynn, it sounded something like "thin mints" or "cinnamon" haha.  Now she can pretty well say it.

Alynne is definitely a city girl.  She already knows the subway system well.  She can spot subway entrances when we're out and about, and as soon as the intercom comes on, she yells "train!" She knows the concept of "next stop" and will tell the whole train car "stop" enthusiastically every time the train stops.

This month, Aunt Jamy, or Chin-Chin as she was quickly dubbed, came to visit! The highlight of that week was our trip to Coney Island Beach.  I wasn't sure how Aly would like it because last year she was terrified of the waves and she also is not a fan of being dirty haha.  She quickly warmed up to the sand and LOVED the ocean. That girl is fearless.  Waves were crashing into her over and over and she was just a ball of giggles! So much fun! We also took another trip to the beach this weekend with friends, and she had a blast again! 

Aly currently calls herself "Waly" =]

Her favorite book is 1, 2, 3 Peas.  She loves to mimic all of the different sounds in it! 

We took a trip to the Bronx Zoo with the Schmidts.  Aly really enjoyed it this year.  She loved anything that slightly resembled a "fishyyyy" 

When anyone sneezes, she says "choowawa" 

Alynne likes to label everything in the house by who it belongs to.  Mostly things are categorized into "Mami," "Papi," and "no."  She definitely knows what she shouldn't be touching, like the remote!

Alynne got to bake cupcakes for the first time!  We had such a blast with this.  It's amazing how attentive and helpful a 20 month old can be!  

Aly has 3 favorite foods right now that she asks for all day long-- banana, apple, and cheese.  

This month we've started to buckle down more on having Aly clean up her toys at night.  She does really well with this most nights!  She's such a big girl =]

Alynne knows and can say all her colors (except orange), the letters f-j, l, and y, and the numbers 1-3.  She loves to identify all the letters she knows when we're out and about!

And finally, here's some pics from the month!