Alynne Tiffany- Week 29

Aynne Tiffany is 29 weeks today! Here are some quick snippets from the week:

29 weeks old

-Aly can now make ‘b’ and ‘g’ sounds (“baba” and “guh”)
-She can now mimic things I do, like sounds, banging blocks together, etc.
-Aly raises her hand up when she sees new people (pre-waving perhaps?)
-Alynne took her first trip to Brooklyn this week
-Aly could spend her entire days jumping and shaking toys if we let her haha.
-We did our first day of Tot School with Amanda and Hadley today.  It was a success! It is so fun to see our girls grow up together!
-Naps have been all over the place.  I’m thinking she may getting ready to drop down to two naps.  Some days she will take 2 naps (1.5-2 hrs in the morning and 1.5-2 hrs in the late afternoon) or she’ll take her first two naps like she used to, but then take her final nap really late and just as a catnap.  So we’ll see what happens.
-In the last few days we’ve had to supplement more with formula, so nursing may be coming to an end soon.  We’ll see what happens with that.
-We are continuing to work on introducing water to Alynne.  We chose to go the straw route, so it’s a bit more work for her.  She loves to play with and chew on it, but she has to really be in the mood and concentrating to get water out.  It’s a learning process!
-We have started to be more intentional with baby sign language and Spanish.
-We are absolutely enjoying this stage Alynne is in! She is just a wonderful little joy to be around!