Alynne Tiffany- Week 23
23 weeks old
Alynne is 23 weeks today. Sooo I’m pretty sure I said that last week was one of our roughest weeks parenting. No, this week definitely was. Alynne ended up getting sick this week. She came down with a cold on Friday. I took her to the doctor on Saturday. Thankfully the doctor said that it was just a cold and nothing major. However, it is still so hard to see our child sick! We both just wish we could take it away from her, or make her feel better. Our house has been a bit chaotic these last two weeks. We are beyond ready for things to return to normal. What a week!!
On top of this whole being sick thing, Alynne has started this new thing where she refuses a bottle. This is a bit of a problem since we have needed to supplement feedings, not to mention she went 3 nights without dreamfeeding because of this (which she needs the extra ounces). Finally, after the weekend we have been able to get her to take a bottle, but it is extremely difficult and takes considerable amount of time and effort. We have no idea why this has suddenly started!
Naps have been absolutely horrendous this week. Normally she naps a total of around 4 hours a day, and this whole week, I think she has napped max like 2. Every time she falls asleep, she starts coughing and it wakes her up! Poor thing. Nighttime sleep hasn’t been too bad. She’s woken up a little early most days, and one night wanted to eat at 4:30- we must have jinxed ourselves that night, because we had just finished saying that we couldn’t even remember the last time we had gotten up with her in the night!
Wake Time
Fortunately through all of this sickness, Alynne is just as happy as ever. When she’s awake, she is happy and doesn’t seem bothered by her coughing.
Here's some of this week's favorite pics!