Alynne Tiffany- Week 9
9 weeks old
Aly is 9 weeks today! This week was a pretty typical week for us. We love our little girl so much. We are constantly playing with her, and when she’s asleep we sit there looking at pictures and videos of her! We are so in love with this little girl!!
We got to get out of the house just Ron and I twice this week, so that was nice. As much as we adore our daughter, we know the importance of investing in our marriage. It is healthy and necessary for us to have alone time together. We want our children to know and respect the love we have for each other, which we believe reflects the love that Christ has for us.
There was one night this week where Aly only woke up once during the night to eat. When she started to cry at 4am, I was so confused. I asked Ron if he had already gotten up to feed her and he said no. We were so shocked that it was the first time she was waking up! The funny thing too is that when Ron went to the fridge to get her bottle, he first saw an almost empty one and was like, wait did I already feed her? Those middle of the night wakings will make you go crazy! (This of course only happened one night, she still gets up twice!)
We pushed her bedtime routine back about 30 minutes. For most nights this week, it has seemed to help. I’m just thankful that once 9:45 rolls around she doesn’t wake up (except to eat, and then straight back down) until 8am. So if she’s fussy and in and out of sleep til 9:45, I guess I can’t complain!
Aly laughed this week! She first did it for Papi while I was at work (sad day). But then she did it this weekend for Aunt Shannon, which I got to witness (yay!), and then finally, for me on Monday! It is the sweetest thing.
We have discovered that Aly really likes crinkly things. She has a few toys (and a few candy wrappers) that crinkle, and she just lights up every time!
Aly also loves to stand up, and no longer likes to be cradled like a baby!
I’ve come to terms that her eyes are brown. And not the hazely brown they were, but dark brown (black) like her daddy’s. I think this is probably why everyone thinks she looks like a little doll, it looks like she has glass eyes! =]
First laugh!
Here’s her current schedule:
8:00am morning feeding
9:15am nap
10:30am (sometimes 11) feeding
11:45am nap
1:00pm feeding
2:00pm nap
3:30pm feeding
4:30pm nap
5:45pm feeding
7:00pm nap
8:00pm bedtime feeding
10:45pm dreamfeed
3:00am feeding
5:30am feeding
Here's some of this week's favorite pics!