Jackson Graham - 4 Years Old

Sweet little Jack Jack is 4 years old today! I know every year with every child, it’s hard to believe another year has gone by. Nonetheless, I feel the same about Jackson, and he truly does hold such a special place in our hearts.

This past year has been a big year for Jackson. He started preschool for the first time. At first, it was difficult for him to handle the change, but he adjusted quickly. Social skills/peer interactions are difficult for Jackson, but by the end of the year, he even made his very first friend at preschool. We were so proud of him. Aside from that, he also has had a best friend since the Spring—a 5th grader named Anastasia :) He adores her so much, and his one request for his birthday today was to have a “playdate” with her!

Jackson’s therapies have subsided drastically over the past year. We just recently reevaluated his IEP, and it is quite incredible to see how far Jackson has come. He has worked hard his whole life, and it really shows! We think by Kindergarten, he will be completely off an IEP!

Jackson was so excited for when we brought Anders home from the hospital. He has been such a great big brother to Anders. He is always so sweet with him, and when Anders was less mobile, Jackson loved to snuggle him and feed him bottles. He always so eager to help me out with Anders.

In February, we took a trip to Hawaii with Gigi and Bop. Jackson had a good time, but he prayed every night that we could go home! (He actually ended up getting his prayers answered when I got kidney stones on the Big Island and we had to fly home early!)

Jackson has become an absolute pro at riding his balance bike this year. He can keep up with Aly and Fynn pretty well, and has ridden as much as 2 miles on it! He is SO excited to get a pedal bike.

We took our first family trip to Disneyland in the Spring. A crowded loud place is not exactly Jackson’s cup of tea, but he did well. He loved all of the Gigi time he got, and his favorite ride was the Toy Story ride.

Jackson did preschool camp this summer. It was with his same teacher, but man oh man, he really flourished in that extra month of preschool. He really just blossomed and started engaging in the classroom. It has been so awesome to see. He’s with the same preschool teacher again this year, and she constantly tells us what a different kid he is in the classroom this year. He is truly thriving!

Jackson is definitely at an age where we waffles between being with the BIgs and the Littles. He loves to try to hang with Aly and Fynn, but gets frustrated when he can’t always keep up with them. But thankfully, as Luca is getting older, they are starting to play more and build a friendship.

This school year, Jackson goes to preschool in the afternoons, and he is home in the mornings. We also got a nanny for the mornings. So lots of change for Jack, but he has handled it well. And he LOVES our nanny. It has been sweet to see, along with the added time with Luca he gets now.

Jackson started his first group sport this fall too. He chose to do soccer, though I’m sure if he could go back and change his mind, he probably would haha. It is quite overwhelming for him, but I’m proud of him for doing a hard thing!

Jack Jack,

You are such a sweet sweet little boy. You are so meek and mild, and just so kind to be around. You have the sweetest spirit. You are shy and quiet when you are around your peers, but we have seen you grow in that this year! You are a kid who loves and thrives on routines. When our plans change or something new or different is going to happen, it really gives you such anxiety. We try to help you cope with your anxiety, and most of the time, with some help, you are able to get through it. You are always pleasantly surprised when you make it to the other side and see it wasn’t so bad! You love to swim, and you are getting quite good. I suspect by next year, you will be swimming all on your own! You say “Hey Mama, (yes), I love you” about 27 times a day. I love it because I still remember a time where I wondered if I’d ever hear you say that. We are so proud of you. You are such an incredible little boy, and we are so happy you are a part of our family! I can’t wait to see what age 4 holds for you, especially as it is one of my favorite ages.
