Luca Quinn- Week 8

8 weeks old

Luca is 8 weeks old today!

This week Luca started smiling! We caught a few small ones here and there at the beginning of the week, and now they’re starting to come more frequently. You can’t tell from this picture haha, but there is a sweet video at the bottom of him smiling!

Luca had his 2 month checkup this week. He is 11 lbs and 21 inches. His weight is quite average for most babies, but considering Jackson weighed 11 lbs at 6 months, Luca feels so huge to us!

Luca continues to be a poor napper. I’m sure a lot of it has to do with our current set up. With 6 people all quarantined in 800 square feet, there just isn’t a lot of personal space, even for the napping baby. Papi usually juggles work and pacifying Luca during nap times while I manage the other 3!

Nighttime sleep is still pretty good at least. One thing that I think is super sweet, is that every morning, like clockwork, Luca wakes at 7am. He’s not hungry yet, just wants me to pick him up and cuddle him in bed for the next hour. The second I pick him up, he snuggles into my arms and goes right back to sleep. This hour every morning is one of my favorite things!

Little snores!
First smile!