Luca Quinn- Week 5
5 weeks old
Luca is 5 weeks old today! And just like that, I am putting away all of his newborn clothes. I cannot believe how fast time is going with him!
Luca is a champ at eating. He nurses 8-9x a day, about every 3 hours. During the nights this week he has started giving me one 3.5 hour stretch haha.
Luca is awake usually for an hour at a time, with a two hour stretch right before bedtime. He is becoming so much more alert this week! He is really responding when we talk to him, and we get to see his beautiful eyes a lot now! I feel like Luca is on the verge of figuring out how to smile, which I can’t wait for!
We’ve been pretty consistent on one night being really good (only waking to eat), and the next night being pretty terrible haha. Knock on wood though, the past 3-4 nights have been mostly good! I’m hoping we’re getting into a good rhythm with that! Also, something I have found a bit funny with Luca is that he takes a realllllly long afternoon nap. We follow the eat, wake, sleep pattern with our kids, but I cannot for the life of me get Luca to wake after his 2:30 feeding haha. I’ve given up on it now. So in essence Luca sleeps from 12:30-5:30 with a 2:30pm dreamfeed LOL.
Also, with quarantine causing all of us to be home in this tiny apartment, Luca is learning to be incredibly flexible with his naps. He usually is Ron’s work buddy for the day, sleeping all through meetings, phone calls, etc.
We love you Little Luca!