Alynne Tiffany- Week 43
43 weeks old
Alynne is 43 weeks old today! The weeks are flying by these days. We had a busy week for sure.
This weekend we took a trip to D.C. to visit Uncle Jason, and Gigi and Pops were there for work, so we got to have a quick family trip. It's been so nice getting to see my side of the family so often this year! This was the longest Aly has been in a car before. She did really great! She has now been to 8 states! Alynne is quite the traveler! We had a good weekend filled with lots of food, shopping, and hanging out.
So far this week, Aly and I have gotten to have lots of "just us" time during the day. Usually we are out visiting and playing with friends, but with schedules and a sick baby bestie, we've been on our own. It's been fun for me to get to spend even more quality time with my girl! We've been working on her new favorite game: roll the ball. I roll the ball to her, she immediately goes into a fit of laughter, picks it up, and then hands (not rolls) it back to me! I love it! We have also spent a lot of time at the park. I am quickly realizing that Winter will be here before we know it, and so I am trying to take full advantage of the nice weather now. Plus, Aly is able to enjoy it so much more now. As soon as I set her in the swings, she starts smiling and giggling because she knows what's about to happen! It's so sweet. Also, this week I took her on the big kid parts of the park where she could climb around more. I've been meaning to for awhile, I just always forget to put shoes on her haha. So anyways, she absolutely loves it. She loves climbing up the steps, practicing walking along the bridge, standing on the tall tower, and sliding down the slide with me. She is so fearless! I love seeing her face light up when she does something by herself.
Tonight we got to have dinner at a friend's house. I am always amazed at how well Aly does when playing at other people's home. She plays so nicely! Of course she loves her friends J.D. and Fairley so much! I love seeing her interact with them. Fairley was doting her with hugs and kisses all evening =] Also, I must say, I am so happy we went the whole Baby Led Weaning route with food. It is so nice to be able to go out for dinner or to someone's home and just be able to feed Aly bits of what we are eating (minus the brownies of course!). She is such a good eater.
A couple random (but oh-so cute) things Alynne started doing:
-She will shake her head "no" now
-She loves to wiggle her tongue on her lips and make noise that way
-She loves to blow very intense raspberries these days (like covering her and everything in a one foot radius in spit kind of raspberry!)
And lastly, some photos.