Tot School- August 2014 (9 Months Old)

Here's our August's schedule!  I will post pics and add how it all went at the end of the month!  =]

August 2014 Schedule
Verse:  "Let your light shine before men." - Matthew 5:16
Color: Yellow
Letter: M
***Review each day***

-Spot goes to the beach
-Pat the zoo
-Dear zoo

Music Mondays
-Mr. Sun
-This little light of mine
-instrument exploration: djembe, pots and pans, shakers

***Aly loved these songs and loved to bang on things

Math Tuesdays
-Review counting 
-Compare small, medium, large
-Shape exploration- square
-Compare quantities (more & less)

***Math days are always the days that I seem to slack on.  We did a shape exploration bin and compared sizes.

Art Wednesdays
-Ice coloring (yellow)
-Sun handprints
-Ziplock bag painting (found here)
-Sticky art (found here)

***Aly had lots of fun with these activities.  The sun handprints didn't work out so well.  I think she's still too young to get good handprints, but she did enjoy finger-painting as usual.  Also, in the future with ice coloring, I would make sure to strip her down first- it got messy! (Aly was stained yellow for awhile!).

Science/Sensory Thursdays
-Yellow Sensory bin
-M sensory bin
- Spaghetti play
-Ziplock bag sensory (found here)

***We did the sensory bins, and she seems to enjoy having sensory bins.  We never did the spaghetti play, though she often plays with it during dinner haha!  

Here are some photos from August Tot School!