Twenty Weeks...
Brooke is officially at the half way point and we are super exited about our baby. We had our 20 week appointment today, and it was quite an extensive check up on Baby Arévalo. We got to hear the heart beat, and see all its little fingers and toes and its little eyes and nose and lips. As the ultrasound technicians moved the ultrasound wand around Brooke's abdomen all I could think about was how amazing this little child is and how much is has grown since the very first time we saw it. Back then it was about the size of a grain of rice, that was only 16 weeks ago! Today it measures about 11 inches, that's almost a foot!
Through this entire pregnancy from the first day we found out all I can come back to is what the Psalmist says, "Children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward." (Psalm 127:3) It amazes me that God has given us such a great reward and I love this baby so much, and 20 more weeks of waiting for our baby feels like it will take an eternity! But we're praying that the baby doesn't come until it is ready and safe to come!
At this twenty week appointment we were finally able to find out the gender of our baby! How exciting!!!! We are both overjoyed and proud to announce that come November the Arevalo's will have a beautiful baby girl, much to the joy of her mother and of course I'm super excited as well. I can already picture myself going on daddy daughter dates for ice cream or going to watch a movie with her, seeing her dance ballet in her cute little tutu! I'm also looking forward to showing her what love is, real love, love that only God the father can give her. Teaching her that beauty is not only external but internal and that a woman who fears the Lord is worthy to be praised.
Without Further adue we'd like everyone to meet Alynne Tiffany Arévalo