An update on baby Arévalo!
This morning we woke up and headed out to spend most of our day visiting doctors. The first doctor we went to see turned out to be a pleasant surprise since we got to see our baby on an ultrasound again! Last time I saw it it was the size of a grain of rice. Today it was completely different. The nurse preforming the ultrasound began to go through her list and checking things off. Two legs, check, two arms check, a brain check! Our baby has grown so much and it actually looks like, well a baby! This time I was able to hear the heartbeat, and it was the most wonderful sound that any person can hear in their entire life. More beautiful than a sunset on a yacht in the Caribbean. More beautiful than a garden of red roses. To hear my baby's heartbeat was ineffable. We also got to see our baby moving its arms around which was also great to see. The nurse told us our baby was in a perfect position to be seen and was growing perfectly! We still weren't able to find out the sex however, we won't find out until next month. Brooke and I are beyond anxious to know. Regardless I am already madly in love with this child. After that Brooke and I went to grab some lunch at the Melt Shop in Midtown East. On the way there Brooke said something interesting. She told me that when the nurse was saying that our baby had all its limbs only then did it strike her that it could have been a possibility that our baby would be missing limbs. Thanks be to God that our baby is healthy thus far and this isn't something we need to worry about. It continues to astound me that there is a tiny human growing in my wife's womb and that this baby has all of its organs already! Truly a testament to the greatness of God.
Thinking about this also makes me think about two passages from the bible. The first being Psalm 139:16,
The second verse is from Jeremiah 1:5,
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.
Two things come to mine when I read this and I think about our baby.
Our baby's very existence was a conscious part of divine purpose and not an incidental biological occurrence. God himself is sovereign over our baby in the same way that he is sovereign over our lives.
God's knowledge of all things actual and possible, His omniscience when it comes to human life.
I'm incredibly overjoyed and I'd like to introduce all of you reading to baby Arévalo,