Alynne Tiffany- Week 3
“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” 2 Peter 1:3
As this week has been the most emotionally trying week for me, a dear friend of mine shared this verse with me. My emotions have been all over the place as I try to figure out this whole mom thing, and I must trust in the truth that God has perfectly equipped me to be Aly’s mom. And where I feel inadequate, Christ is adequate. He is also teaching me that it’s okay to ask for help. It’s hard for my independent personality to realize that I can’t do it all right now. So I am thankful for a husband who takes on more than his fair share of things right now, and for friends who are so supportive, even if it means just giving me a chance to shower! I am so thankful for this new season of life we are in, just praying we continue to adjust well!
In Aly news…
Week 3
Alynne still does well with feeding. She still eats really frequently- every 2-2.5 hours, even at night. Hopefully she’ll start going longer stretches soon. Aly also likes to poop on Mami whenever I change her, but never on Papi!!
Remember last week when I said I would be thrilled if she would just wake up to eat and then go back to sleep? Well she is! Yay!! God is good. She goes right back down after feeding at night which is great. Now if we could just get her to last a little longer in between feedings, we’d be golden.
Alynne still rarely cries and there has yet to be a time where she has been inconsolable. We’ve found that she hates being in her bouncer, but is happy as can be sitting in the crook of the couch! She also has made a best friend this week-her elephant pacifier. She loves to sit and hold her elephant while sucking on her pacifier.
Okay, so maybe her eyes are turning brown? They kind of flip back and forth from brown to gray. It’s hard to tell really.
She rolled over twice this week! I didn’t know I gave birth to Super Baby... Okay fine, so our couch is slightly inclined, but I am still one proud momma!
We start our day between 7:30 and 8:00 (Who would have thought I was capable of getting up this “early” every day?!). She eats every 2-2.5 hours, is awake for 40 mins-1 hour, and then naps. Aaaand repeat. She then goes down for the night at 7:30.
Special Events
We took Aly’s newborn pictures on Saturday. Naturally, she was the fussiest she’s probably ever been. Most of her pictures she either has her pacifier in her mouth, is in one of our arms, or both! But Liz is amazing, and captured some good photos. I’m excited to get them, and of course post them!