Anders Martí - 7 Months Old

Anders is 7 months old today! Another month come and gone. I actually do feel like quite a bit has happened with him this month though! How exciting.

Anders is officially rolling from back to tummy! He primarily does this when he’s in his crib. This month he has transitioned to be a tummy sleeper! As most of my photos below are of Anders sleeping, it’s clear that I can’t get enough of sleeping babies! They’re just so sweet.

Anders found his feet just yesterday! He has also started to grab at things. I can barely hold him in my lap while I’m eating now, as he constantly wants to grab whatever is in my hand or in front of me.

At the beginning of this month, Anders got sick for the first time. Crazily enough, it was Luca’s first time being sick too! Everyone was pretty miserable in our house for a bit. But I really forgot how crummy it is to have little ones who can’t tell you what’s wrong not feel well. We are definitely glad that Anders is back to feeling well!

We attempted solids this month, but it was a no go! We’ll try them again when Anders’ adjusted age is 6 months. Hopefully this will help him with his weight gain.

This week Anders had a weight check at the doctor’s office. It didn’t go super great, Anders has barely gained any weight since his 4 month check up, sigh. Between getting sick, preemie-ness, genes, and now the formula shortage, poor Anders is struggling to gain weight. Normally I give Anders half of his feedings by bottle so that I can add a preemie formula to it and fortify it. This helps him get some extra calories in, but we ran out of formula about 2 weeks ago. We had been searching everywhere, but finally enlisted the power of social media. I am always humbled and amazed at people’s genorosity! We have some cans of formula in transit as we speak! Hopefully between that and starting solids this upcoming month, Anders will start gaining some weight soon!

Anders is currently 12 lbs 8 oz and 24 inches. He wears 0-3 month clothes and is the happiest teeniest little baby around! We tell him daily how happy we are that he joined our family. He truly is such a blessing.