1 Year With Jackson Graham

My Sweet Jackson,

Today you are 13 months old. I’ve written 1 year old letters to all three of your siblings, and now I’m writing one to you! Better late than never, right? :)

The few weeks leading up to your birth were filled with anxiety and fear as we waited, hoped, and prayed we would get to bring you home. Your Papi and I cried so many tears of joy when we heard your first cries and saw your eyes. You have held such a special place in our hearts from Day 1.

Of course, Aly & Fynn are also so smitten by you. I remember when we brought you home, Fynn didn’t want to let anyone else hold you, only him. He’d constantly whisper in your ear, “It’s me, Fynn. I’m your big brother!” And of course Aly is like your second mom; she loves to care for you, and you are greatly comforted by her.

We loved every sleepless night with you. In your early days, your favorite place to sleep was cuddled up on me with your cheek smushed up against my cheek. It was my favorite!

You have been partial to Papi from the beginning, always happy to be with him!

One of the most memorable parts of your first year of life, was getting to be in a Tony-award winning play, The Ferryman. You were on stage for about 3 months, and you absolutely loved it! It was such a unique experience, something we’ll share stories with you for a lifetime!

When you were around 8 months old, we began to see that you might need a little extra help developmentally. So you started with the Early Intervention program. You have therapy 6 times a week (soon to be 8). I’m actually a little glad I waited to write to you until now, because over the past month you have really grown so so much. In the past month you have learned how to roll over, crawl, pull up, object permeance, how to play with toys, hide-and-seek with Fynn, and so much more! We are so proud of how hard you are working, and you are making huge strides, little man!

Currently, you are 17 lbs and 26 inches, wearing size 1 shoes. You are still quite the peanut! You had your first big boy haircut right before your first birthday.

We have many names for you—Jackson, Jack Jack, J J, J Man, Little J, J…

You came into our family in a peak travel season for us haha. You have been to 1 other country (when you were 2 months old) and 15 states, including Hawaii! We’ve had so much fun including you in our travels this year.

You are such a sweet little baby. People constantly tell me how calm, happy, and adorable you are. Only in the last month have we even had to start telling you “no,” and you cannot handle to rejection haha. You immediately burst into sobs anytime someone tells you no! Fortunately, you’re not to prone to mischief yet ;)

Overall, it’s been such an amazing year with you. We are so happy you’re a part of our family. We love you beyond what words can describe! Happy 13 months Little Man!