The Fynnster

Oh, Fynn. Our sweet boy who always makes us laugh and keeps us on our toes! He is such a snuggly and affectionate little boy. He loves to curl up in my lap, or snuggle up next to Jackson. He still sucks his thumb despite our many many efforts to stop it. He will drop everything to come sit and cuddle while reading books, and will do so for at least an hour at a time.

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Scattered Thoughts of Roman

Roman has been on my mind so much the last few weeks. Well, that is more so than normal. I usually think about him on a daily basis, but lately its been all consuming; everything reminds me of him. Sometimes the thoughts are sweet moments, as Fynn tells Jackson about his other brother, and sometimes the pain and heartache threatens to overwhelm me.

I’ve decided that I will just start writing some short posts, as these moments and thoughts come to me…

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