On Our Year of Grief

November 27th, 2017 is a day that will forever remain etched on my mind and my heart and physically on my body. That was the day that we had to say goodbye to our third child Roman. In the 365 days since I have grieved, some days more than others. My grief remains even as I write these words. What an interesting emotion to experience. We all have experienced it at some point in our lives and at varying degrees. One of my favorite authors Joan Didion explains her grief after the sudden loss of her husband of four decades. She writes:

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Jackson Graham- Week 5

Jackson is 5 weeks old today! On Saturday he turned one month old, and on Monday we hit his actual due date! :)

We are starting to get into more regular rhythms with Jackson, well, as regular as things can be for a baby with two older siblings around! Sometimes he takes one nap in three different places (arms, car seat, crib!). He is pretty good natured and just goes with the flow of the day!

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Jackson Graham- Week 3

Jackson is 3 weeks old today! Ron went back to work this week and so it was my first week on my own with all three kids! It’s been a very smooth transition though. Going from 1 to 2 kids was definitely harder haha. It is taking some time to adjust to the amount of time it takes to get out the door now though!

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I'm Still Grieving

Shortly after we came home from the hospital, I was scrolling through the pictures that Ron had taken on his camera. This photo immediately stuck out to me. First, he captured the pure joy I was feeling in that moment of meeting my son Jackson for the first time. But secondly, it also reminded me of another picture Ron had captured just 10 months before.

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